I’m happy to be able to notify you guys that my Mathematics exam went really well yesterday!Those who prayed for me, thank you so much! I’m so happy!
But for now, I don’t really have time to celebrate. Tomorrow I have Chemistry and on Monday (dun dun duuun!) Biology (0.0). Even though Biology is technically not the hardest subject, the way my grades are standing right now, makes it SUPER important that I pass this exam. And the annoying thing with Biology is that there is sooo much information, in so many different chapters, yet the questions on the final exams are so specific. (-__-)
But, enough ranting. The only thing I can do now, is study my best, and pray for God to do the rest. I know He will, because He has many times in the past.


Pedestrian CrossingBut enough about me. How are you all doing? Anyone else busy with final exams or some particularly stressful period in their lives?